December 1 through 25, a suggested charitable or non-profit donation will be made. The goal is to open doors for people, not doors for chocolate, and work on building community. Though Christmassy, this is a secular project. The only organizations with religious ties to be featured will be fully inclusive of all people. The range of organizations will be diverse and are not intended to be exhaustive suggestions; our city has too many to cover all. (So I'll do this annually to promote as many wonderful organizations as possible.)

Please consider monetary or in-kind donations for the featured organizations. I'm hoping each reader can contribute $5 per organization, per day. Please feel free to give more or to give what you can; some organizations have lists of items they need. Many are desperate for volunteers now and all year.

Please post if you have contributed in some way. I'd like to see if there is interest in a municipal charity advent calendar.

Thank you for participating!

Sunday 13 December 2015

Review of Charities/NFPs Featured So Far

So far, the Giving Advent Calendar has featured thirteen amazing organizations that contribute to the wellbeing and vitality of Edmonton. The Giving Advent Calendar has received media attention from CBC (to read the webstory or listen to the radio podcast, see the links to the right on this page.) It is the hope of the Giving Advent Calendar that the social media we've been using and the broader audience reached by CBC will have translated into increased donations to and increased awareness of the thirteen organizations featured so far.

I want to reiterate what I said before the Giving Advent Calendar began opening doors and revealing charities; it is impossible to cover all the amazing organizations contributing to supporting our citizens and communities.

The Giving Advent Calendar is a cross section of charities large and small, serving a variety of demographics. It is impossible to profile every one. It is my hope that making the Giving Advent Calendar an annual event, we will eventually manage to cover at least most of the dedicated charitable organizations in Edmonton.

For anyone who has just joined the Giving Advent Calendar, below is a listing of the organizations we have featured so far.  Please feel free to donate now to any of them (donations don't need to be limited to the day of our reveal!)

I hope you've been enjoying this giving experience. I'd love to hear from anyone who has been giving; it would be great to hear what you've done, what you've liked about the Giving Advent Calendar, things you think I could do better. I've had feedback from many of the profiled organizations which is great. I'd really love to hear from citizens who having been giving too.

Thanks again, everyone, for participating!

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