December 1 through 25, a suggested charitable or non-profit donation will be made. The goal is to open doors for people, not doors for chocolate, and work on building community. Though Christmassy, this is a secular project. The only organizations with religious ties to be featured will be fully inclusive of all people. The range of organizations will be diverse and are not intended to be exhaustive suggestions; our city has too many to cover all. (So I'll do this annually to promote as many wonderful organizations as possible.)

Please consider monetary or in-kind donations for the featured organizations. I'm hoping each reader can contribute $5 per organization, per day. Please feel free to give more or to give what you can; some organizations have lists of items they need. Many are desperate for volunteers now and all year.

Please post if you have contributed in some way. I'd like to see if there is interest in a municipal charity advent calendar.

Thank you for participating!

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Day 8: Get Ready for Inclusion Today!

Image result for GRIT Edmonton
We've completed a WHOLE WEEK of the Giving Advent Calendar and it's been so exciting. The profiled charities and non-for-profits have been responding with enthusiasm and thanks, people have been making donations, and we've had media coverage too!
Thank you, everyone, for making what I thought would be a very small-scale Christmas gift for my partner turn into something our city and communities are excited about and supporting! Each of you has made that happen and, though I haven't asked, I am certain I can extend heartfelt thanks from all the charities/NFPs you've supported through donations. Your shared posts & tweets increase exposure about what organizations do and their ongoing need for financial and other forms of support.

Without further ado, and because today's organization is one close to my heart, door 8 has been opened this morning to reveal:

Get Ready for Inclusion Today! (GRIT)

GRIT is an early education program for disabled children/children with disabilities* that focuses on family involvement, community inclusion, and learning through play. Each child and their family get individualized support plans, with the overall goal of helping each child build on strengths through strategies and opportunities for learning that are fun. Families likewise, learn positive strategies to support their child(ren) in all areas of life.

GRIT has a long and strong record of success and respect with families and the community at large.

As an autistic mother whose two biological children are also autistic, I am deeply grateful for the positive approach GRIT takes in supporting children and families. Through a focus on inclusion, strengths, and in celebrating the resilience and abilities all children have, GRIT is a leader in early education for disabled children/children with disabilities*.

Please donate to GRIT today:

*a conversation for another venue is person-first vs disability-first language- it's a big conversation and I can't do it justice in a few short sentences here-- my apologies, I don't want to take the focus from our charity, though I do believe language used when talking about people and disabilities is an important, necessary conversation. 

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