December 1 through 25, a suggested charitable or non-profit donation will be made. The goal is to open doors for people, not doors for chocolate, and work on building community. Though Christmassy, this is a secular project. The only organizations with religious ties to be featured will be fully inclusive of all people. The range of organizations will be diverse and are not intended to be exhaustive suggestions; our city has too many to cover all. (So I'll do this annually to promote as many wonderful organizations as possible.)

Please consider monetary or in-kind donations for the featured organizations. I'm hoping each reader can contribute $5 per organization, per day. Please feel free to give more or to give what you can; some organizations have lists of items they need. Many are desperate for volunteers now and all year.

Please post if you have contributed in some way. I'd like to see if there is interest in a municipal charity advent calendar.

Thank you for participating!

Saturday 19 December 2015

Day 19! JTMF West!

James Tolin Memorial Fund West founded by Joyce LaBriola in memory and honour of her friend, James Tolin, who passed away due to AIDS-related illness.

Joyce and a group of friends established JTMF in New Jersey; when Joyce moved to Edmonton, she wanted to continue the work she did with the organization. She added "West" to the name and JTMF West was born.

Through organizing spectacular annual galas and participating in events under the JTMF West banner, the organization raises funds for a variety of groups.

JTMF West explains best, in their mission statement, what they are and what they do:
Our mission is to fight for social justice and the eradication of stigma and discrimination of HIV/AIDS this includes LGBTQ youth & support services while celebrating the philanthropic spirit of the arts.

All funds raised by JTMF West go to local charities working with youth, with people affected by HIV or AIDS, and to arts organizations.

Please donate to JTMF West (donation link in top right hand corner of the page.) In five years, they have raised over $100 000 for Edmonton charities; let's help them keep that number growing! 

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