December 1 through 25, a suggested charitable or non-profit donation will be made. The goal is to open doors for people, not doors for chocolate, and work on building community. Though Christmassy, this is a secular project. The only organizations with religious ties to be featured will be fully inclusive of all people. The range of organizations will be diverse and are not intended to be exhaustive suggestions; our city has too many to cover all. (So I'll do this annually to promote as many wonderful organizations as possible.)

Please consider monetary or in-kind donations for the featured organizations. I'm hoping each reader can contribute $5 per organization, per day. Please feel free to give more or to give what you can; some organizations have lists of items they need. Many are desperate for volunteers now and all year.

Please post if you have contributed in some way. I'd like to see if there is interest in a municipal charity advent calendar.

Thank you for participating!

Saturday 26 December 2015

Boxing Day to New Year's Eve Request-- Don't Shop, GIVE!

The doors on the Giving Advent Calendar have all opened. We featured 25 local organizations doing great work to support people in our city. They are listed on the right hand side of this page.

Today is more personal. Today we are asking you to do something specifically meaningful to you.

For many of us, there are friends and family members who were at that table last year, or at another table, or working. There were people we had lost touch with, people who were homeless, people we wanted to see but couldn't get to... and this year, as we sat together over dinners for Chanukah, solstice, Christmas, or any of our seasonal celebrations, there were people and furry friends missing. Loved ones who died since we last had seasonal celebrations together or apart. Some absences were recent; some happened earlier in the year and the empty seat or missing wet nose, the knowledge that a seat was empty somewhere else, was a reminder.

Here at the Giving Advent Calendar we are asking you to donate in memory of loved ones you have lost this year. Whatever organization you think is most relevant to you, your family, your friends, those you've lost... whatever is right for you. Sometime between today and December 31, 2015, please donate.

Our family lost many loved ones this year, many to cancer. We have many loved ones enduring the devastation of cancer right now. We will be donating to the Canadian Cancer Society in their memory and in honour of those still enduring the disease.

Image result for canadian cancer society alberta

Friday 25 December 2015

Day 25! Dogs With Wings!

Image result for dogs with wings
Door 25 has been opened this morning to reveal:

Dogs With Wings!

Dogs With Wings is one of only two charities in Canada providing assistance dogs for those in need, at no cost to the individual. Among the types of dogs Dogs With Wings trains are service dogs for disabled individuals, guide dogs for blind or visually impaired individuals, facility dogs (the sort that accompany Zebra staff & volunteers to support children,) companion dogs (often called therapy dogs) who offer emotional support to individuals but are not certified to enter public spaces, and autism dogs. 

Dogs With Wings is a very special organization for our family. Our youngest son is profoundly impacted by autism; he has been approved and is on the waiting list for an autism dog for a little over four years. Dogs With Wings receives no government funding and given the huge demand for assistance dogs, the wait lists are long. The average cost of raising and training an assistance dog is $40 000. Financial support is desperately needed in order to meet the increasing demands for dogs.

Our son doing a promo shoot with Dogs With Wings
There are many, many people waiting, not just out little boy and assistance dogs provide people with independence and supports in ways that nothing else can.

Please help make more dogs available to more people with a donation today!

Dogs with Wings receives donations through You know the drill by now! If you make your donation using PayPal, 1% of all donations to Dogs with Wings made through PayPal are matched. Please choose PayPal so that DWW gets that little bit more!

Thursday 24 December 2015

Door 24! Zebra Child Protection Centre!

Image result for zebra child protection centre edmonton

Door 24 has been opened this morning to reveal:

Zebra Child Protection Centre!

The Zebra Child Protection Centre was established in 2002 under the recognition that children who reported abuse were being treated as adults; they were being asked to give information in the same manner, in the same places, which can be intimidating for adults; for children, it could completely shut them down and/or re-traumatize them.
Zebra employs a multi-disciplinary approach to interview children as well as to support them through and after information collection process.
From supporting children in court, should they have to testify, to bringing therapy dogs to visit in the community, to ensuring there are psychological supports available longer term if necessary, Zebra makes the experience of reporting abuse and dealing with the justice system a gentler experience for children.

Please donate. You'll notice Zebra is another charity that receives donations via If you pay with PayPal, your donation is matched at 1% by PayPal through December.

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Door 23! Sexual Assault Centre of Edmonton!

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Door 23 has been opened this morning to reveal:

Sexual Assault Centre of Edmonton!

The Sexual Assault Centre of Edmonton provides a number of supports for survivors of sexual violence. A 24/7 crisis line (780 423 4121) offers immediate short term support. SACE hosts support groups, court support programs, individually counselling, and more to individuals.

Working in collaboration with community groups, SACE provides educational support about sexual violence, war rape, and criminal justice.

SACE also provides educational programming for individuals and their personal supports while waiting for counselling (due to demand and not enough funding, individual counselling is not always immediately available.)

Please help make counselling more immediately available; donations go a long way to support this very dire need.

SACE collects donations through If you've been following the Giving Advent Calendar, you'll know what I'm going to say next! If you make your donation using PayPal, PayPal donates 1% of all donations each charity receives to the charity, meaning your donation leads to an additional donation.